miércoles, 15 de octubre de 2014

CEIP San José de Calasanz welcomes Alessandra.

       Welcome Alessandra Roqueta to our school.
          We hope you enjoy your time with us!!!

    Alessandra Roqueta is our new language assistant this school year 2014-15. She'll be helping bilingual teachers from 1st to 4th Primary with the Science subject.

    My name is Allie and I grew up in San Clemente, California.  My passions are photography, surfing, writing, and learning about different cultures through traveling.  My love for photo and travel has led me to click away in Egypt, Spain, Italy, Costa Rica, and across the US–but I always have a thirst to capture more of the world. After graduating, I returned to California where I fell right back into the surf culture that I grew up in.  I’m always looking for ways to combine all my interests into one: a mish-mash of anthro inspired exploring and writing, playing around with my camera, and getting some serious surf stoke. 


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